Monday, August 10, 2020



1.       Dear friends:
As human spiritual existences
What matters mostly
Is the evolution of our soul consciousness,
As incarnated in our material body.
2.      Many people perceive
A human being
Solely as a biological
Mortal body
And consciousness
Simply a matter
Of flow of electrons
In the nervous system


3.      They are wrong!
This type of self
Would be
Nothing more than
A soulless clone
A biological robot
Easy to control
With nano chips


4.      The source of
Our intelligence and talents
Our perception, wisdom and courage
Our system of principles and values
Is our immortal consciousness
With its vast information
Though images
Of past lives
And also source
Of life energy that
Makes the body resilient


5.      Having realized the value of the soul
 without being racists
We should also not fail
To appreciate the significance
Of our body’s DNA
Which is not only
Programming proteins
But also a
Transmitter and receiver
Of frequencies

6.      And what our biologist
Verify with no doubt
Is that the majority
Of our DNA in the cells
Is as inactive DNA
While only a small part
Is active and relevant
To the frequencies
Of survival and sexuality

7.      All other animals have not
Non-active DNA
And no artificial
copy-paste DNA errors
while our biologist
and the genome project
reveal more than
2000 artificial copy-paste
DNA errors
Relevant to many
Well known diseases


8.      So we may speculate
Based also on the recently deciphered
Black clay cylinders of the Sumerians
That the visitors from Sirius B
7,000 years ago
Enki and Enlil
And their groups
Exercised genetic manipulation
To the earthly people
As the Sumerians write
Seeking to have slaves
To extract gold
From south Africa
For the defense systems of their planet
Or believers of a soul manipulation game
 of religions of a God
Who  is simply but one of their existences
in higher density physical realities


9.      Hopefully with the
Advance of the biology
We will re-activate
Our full DNA
But till then
Soul consciousness
Will keep finding difficulties
To express its richness
Though our bodies
And so superficial hypocrisy
Still prevails in our relations

10.   Because as they estimate
If all of our DNA would be activated
Then no one can tell lies
To each other
Without being
Sensed as a liar
All a matter of
Emanated and received
Frequencies of the DNA

11.   We should not be blind racists
But neither naïve
verbal psychologists
Who see only unobstructed
Verbal Consciousness and
Nowhere any material body
In which an immortal
Soul consciousness is incarnated

12.   As immortal souls
We work and
express ourselves
and create a civilization
though the frequencies
of our living bodies
through words, arts
sciences and technology
and although we
are not solely a
biological body
the body’s DNA
and its frequencies
is important for our fate
and the type of civilization
that we create
13.   And as they say
Our DNA has parts of
22 different races of
The galaxy, including
The galactic races of the
 ancient collective colonies
of Atlantis and Lemuria
approximately and almost
30 and 70 thousand years ago.

14.   But make no mistake
Of being a racist
The genealogy of the DNA
Is different from the
Incarnation history
Of the immortal souls.