Sunday, August 23, 2020



I see a blue sky and the sunhine on the sea
I see the moving green leaves of the trees
sending cool shadows to me and you
And I am feeling with you a wonderful summer

I see ships coming and going
full of new happy faces
I see people huging each other
and children laughing with joy

I  see joyful people in the taverns
sitting around tables  full of green food
and waitresses rushing to fill jars with cool water
And I am feeling with you a wonderful summer

We walk together in the sacred night
under millions  of tiny stars
hearing the sound of the sea waters
And I am feeling with you a blessed summer

                                              TRAVELLING  IN THE CHARM
                                                   OUR BEST FRIENS IN NATURE


Monday, August 10, 2020



1.       Dear friends:
As human spiritual existences
What matters mostly
Is the evolution of our soul consciousness,
As incarnated in our material body.
2.      Many people perceive
A human being
Solely as a biological
Mortal body
And consciousness
Simply a matter
Of flow of electrons
In the nervous system


3.      They are wrong!
This type of self
Would be
Nothing more than
A soulless clone
A biological robot
Easy to control
With nano chips


4.      The source of
Our intelligence and talents
Our perception, wisdom and courage
Our system of principles and values
Is our immortal consciousness
With its vast information
Though images
Of past lives
And also source
Of life energy that
Makes the body resilient


5.      Having realized the value of the soul
 without being racists
We should also not fail
To appreciate the significance
Of our body’s DNA
Which is not only
Programming proteins
But also a
Transmitter and receiver
Of frequencies

6.      And what our biologist
Verify with no doubt
Is that the majority
Of our DNA in the cells
Is as inactive DNA
While only a small part
Is active and relevant
To the frequencies
Of survival and sexuality

7.      All other animals have not
Non-active DNA
And no artificial
copy-paste DNA errors
while our biologist
and the genome project
reveal more than
2000 artificial copy-paste
DNA errors
Relevant to many
Well known diseases


8.      So we may speculate
Based also on the recently deciphered
Black clay cylinders of the Sumerians
That the visitors from Sirius B
7,000 years ago
Enki and Enlil
And their groups
Exercised genetic manipulation
To the earthly people
As the Sumerians write
Seeking to have slaves
To extract gold
From south Africa
For the defense systems of their planet
Or believers of a soul manipulation game
 of religions of a God
Who  is simply but one of their existences
in higher density physical realities


9.      Hopefully with the
Advance of the biology
We will re-activate
Our full DNA
But till then
Soul consciousness
Will keep finding difficulties
To express its richness
Though our bodies
And so superficial hypocrisy
Still prevails in our relations

10.   Because as they estimate
If all of our DNA would be activated
Then no one can tell lies
To each other
Without being
Sensed as a liar
All a matter of
Emanated and received
Frequencies of the DNA

11.   We should not be blind racists
But neither naïve
verbal psychologists
Who see only unobstructed
Verbal Consciousness and
Nowhere any material body
In which an immortal
Soul consciousness is incarnated

12.   As immortal souls
We work and
express ourselves
and create a civilization
though the frequencies
of our living bodies
through words, arts
sciences and technology
and although we
are not solely a
biological body
the body’s DNA
and its frequencies
is important for our fate
and the type of civilization
that we create
13.   And as they say
Our DNA has parts of
22 different races of
The galaxy, including
The galactic races of the
 ancient collective colonies
of Atlantis and Lemuria
approximately and almost
30 and 70 thousand years ago.

14.   But make no mistake
Of being a racist
The genealogy of the DNA
Is different from the
Incarnation history
Of the immortal souls.

Saturday, August 8, 2020




1.       Poverty is at a high percentage
And many people
Understand it as
A result of meritocracy

2.      So society tries to solve it
Through the mercy of charity
But poverty
Is not solvable by charity
Neither it is entirely true
That it is a result
Of meritocracy
3.      If at a hundred people
You give each a thousand dollars
And a pair of fair dices
To play blindly for a week
At the end of the week
More than 80% of the total money
Would be concentrated
In less than 20% of them
And a high percentage
Would be moneyless
In poverty.
Fair money accounting transactions
Could never guarantee
A fair distribution
Of money
In the society

4.      Even if each one of us
Who make the society
Were clone copies
Of the same person
Still a high percentage
Would be in poverty
Because it is the
Statistical inevitable
and certain result
of the rules, institutions
and laws of the system
5.      Deterministic causality and certainty
At the micro-scale
Of the individual
Is different from the
Statistical seemingly random
Causality and certainty
At the macro-economic scale
        If the Pareto rule holds
        in other words
        More than 80% of the
        wealth, resources use and power, 
        is conentrated 
        in less than 20% of the population
        then also
        More than 80% of the
        present state of the society
        has its causes
        in less than 20% of the 
        upper society population
        clearly a non-democratic situation

6.      So given that the system
Is such that
As in the game
Of Russian roulette
It is statistically certain
That at the end of the decade
A gigh percentage
Would be in poverty
Which is even more clear
During the banking
Economic crises
That are created by the system
Who among the good people
Would like to feel responsible
In the bad joy
Of such a system crime?

7.  The economic problems of survival
are unsolvable for the majority
due to the system itself in times of crises
and are solvable only
 for  a small minority         
So the majority's souls are tortured
to solve the unsolvable
finally blaming themselves.
A tyranny not initially of the body
but a tyranny of the soul.
8.      And although it is difficult
To fix a complicated system
It is a basic human right
To be able to survive
To be free from the need in poverty
As is a basic human right
To have free health care
Therefore, my friends
An unconditional and free
Basic income for surviving
That would eliminate poverty
Is a minimum remedy
For our economic system
So that the poverty
Is not a system crime
if we want it to be friendly
to the human spiritual existence.

9.      And for those wondering
Where all this money
will be found for
the free basic income
I remind them
That money is not
under the rule of gold
it is this way or another
continuously issued
in a gradual inflation way
 from nothingness in the computers
of the central banks
And it is a matter of laws
who has the privilege to issue it
and how it will circulate
in the society.
It is therefore a basic human right
That the central banks
Should not be banks
But only not-for-profit public
 central monetary organizations
directly under the ministries of finances
and the public decisions of the parliaments
and issuing non-inflation money
which circulates in the society
mainly not through debt.


Thursday, August 6, 2020



(A poem about poltical systems Monarcy, Oligarchy, Democracy and corresponding systems of Religions)


In this planet there are some monotheistic religions
of an unlimited powers one and only God
a single spiritual existence and Monarch God
So, these religions , teach
that there is a single spiritual existence
who has unlimited powers over 
all other human beings and spiritual existences
over all animals , trees and over the material world.
And this spiritual existence has unlimited powers
with no need of mutual consent 
over a human being 
over its immortal soul
over its thoughts
over its privacy
over its knowledge
over its feelings
over its body
over its actions and fate.
No human rights over one’s privacy
No human rights over one’s physical body.
No limits of the power of God over a human being

And also there is the teaching in these religions
that each human being is created
according to the image and in similarity
to this unlimited powers one and only God

So each believer of these religions
Deeply in his praying
Becomes one with the
Supreme unlimited powers God.
And so in their everyday life
Subconsciously , uncounsciously or consciously
They seek to realize
The properties of their unlimited powers God
Because of their Godlishness
And because they are  created
according to the image and in similarity
to the unlimited powers one and only God.

And so they seek unlimited power
Over the other people
Who they believe are  not  as Godlish as them.
And thus the famous sadomazochistic complex 
in people is created
either as subject to an limited power God
or being such Godlish over the other people.
If you open the door for unlimited powers
of  single good spiritual existence
to all other , then sooner or later
the same door will be for unlimited powers
of an evil existence to all other,
The famous duality of 
the good God and the bad Devil
In this way it is created and justified
The belief of a God-beloved chosen one and only nation
Destined to rule over all other nations
Through direct force or money
And therefore relevant wars are created.

In this way it is created and justified
The belief that there is one and only true
monotheistic religion
destined to rule over all other false religions
And therefore relevant wars are created.

In this way it is created and justified
The belief of chosen Godlish individuals
That ought to have unlimited power
Over all other human beings
Dictators, Tyrants, Monarchs
Kings, Emperors,
Presidents, Leaders, Saviors
Oligarchs, Elite, Masonry etc
That seek unlimited power over all other people.

In this way it is created and justified
People seeking unlimited telepathic power
eliminating the privacy and private life  
and unlimited telepathic power over  the public life
Of other people.
And the elimination of privacy 
is the base of the tyranny
over the soul consiousness
of human beings.

In this way it is created and justified
Elite of people seeking to have
Unlimited power over other people
Through nanochips666 or soulless clones.

In this way it is created and justified
Capital and money owners
Of extreme selfishness
To have power over other people
That they labor and work for them
And are their servants
Because they are more Godlish compared to them
And closer to their unlimited powers God.

And even if in such civilizations
The democracy and equality is respected
Such religions perpetuate justify and preserve
The power of Monarchy, Oligarchy
Leadership, and Saviors.

Such religions perpetuate, justify and preserve
The negative powers of
Extreme inequalities over all else
of a tiny elite
Through military or police force
Through money
Through technology
Through information and Knowledge
Through masonic mysteries.

You may say that such inequalities
And seeking of power of
an minority of people over the majority
would happen
this way or another
without such religions
because of the believe
in the duality
of predator and prey
And this may be true

But still such religions,
Support an inner metaphysical
And the soul consciousness level
Justification of such power scheme
Which makes it even more dangerous.

And so such planetary civilizations
May very well be inclined
To become in their turn
Consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously
Slaves of other well known in the galaxies
More powerful predator reptilian, draconian civilizations
that are permanently monarchic and tyrannical
with no restrain in brutality, cannibalism,
tyranny, terrorism, , death, and torturing
which do seek unlimited power
over all other spiritual human beings
animals, trees, and the material world.

On the other hand
A truer concept of God
Which at the scale of private realm
Of an individual human being
Is simply his own immortal soul consciousness
While at the public realm
Of a planetary civilization
Is simply the totality
Of all souls consciousness
Incarnated in the living people
In the planet
In this or higher density realities
Is a concept of God which
does nor have unlimited powers
and   would be unethical to have
unlimited powers
over each human being
as spiritual existence.

Such a concept of “God”
Is not supporting the ideal
Of a single spiritual existence
Having unlimited powers
To all other spiritual existences
Animals, trees and the material world
Such a concept of “God”
Would support the ideal
Of direct true democracy
And a society with
No significant inequalities
With fair brotherhood, freedom
And prosperity among people.

As it is known the only situation
where in a human civilization
is accepted a huge difference of power
of a spiritual existence to another
is in the case of the parents
that grow up with love in a family
their children.
But this is only during the years
of childhood and imaturity
and in all other ages
the more or less democratic 
equality of power
of people among themselves 
is the  accepted and fair
rule of power.
So beware my friends
Of the power that the
Metaphysical beliefs
Have on the fate
Of a humanity
In a planetary civilization
